
Release of SEB 033

SEB 033 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 – DE&S Requirement for the Management of Equipment Safety & Environmental Issues & Incidents to Version 2.0, the leaflet has undergone significant review and updating. OC’s maintain the overriding responsibility to ensure efficient handling of related events.

Release of SEB 032

SEB 032 announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 – Safety and Environmental Management Plan Reviews to Version 2.0. The leaflet has undergone review and updated to allow a more flexible approach to the periodicity of SEMP reviews. The maximum review periodicity is three years, unless a more frequent periodicity is specified within a relevant regulation.

Update of S&EP Leaflet 15/2019

S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 - Safety and Environmental Management Plan Reviews has been updated to Version 2.0. The update includes a change to the maximum review periodicity required by the leaflet, but this is dependent upon the frequency requirements specified within relevant regulations, the project complexity and the level of risk of the project. A change to the template review question set, along with the addition of SEMP Review Ratings required by the Principal Engineer/Head of Engineering Assurance at declaration has also been included.

Release of SEB 030

This SEB announces a minor update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD. This leaflet has now been updated to version 2.5. The changes are limited to an update to a change of name from Director Ship Acquisition to T26 Offshore Patrol Vessels Team Leader within the list of Operating Duty Holders. The leaflet supersedes S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.4.

The leaflet can be found within ASEMS Part 2 - Guidance - GMP00

Update of POEMS EMP04 and EMP05

POEMS EMP04 and EMP05 have been combined and updated to produce a new EMP04 - Environmental Impact Screening & Scoping. A SEB to announce the update and transition will be released in due course. On the release of EMP04 v4.0, a transition period will be in place until further notice. During this time, teams will be able to follow EMP04 and EMP05 v3.3 as previously. Once a new EMP05 v.4.0 is developed and released,  a full transition from EMP04/EMP05 V3.3 to EMP04/EMP05 v4.0 will be introduced.

Release of SEB 029

This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials - Information for the Through-Life Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials. This leaflet has now been updated to version 1.3. The update takes into account recent changes in terminology and updated URLs which link to the improved guidance and DE&S published processes along with the introduction of a new annexe which formalises the requirement to capture unique uses of Lead (Pb).
