
Release of SEB/027 and SEB/028

SEB/027 - This SEB announces the update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 – DE&S contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life across MOD. This leaflet has now been updated to version 2.4. The changes are limited to an updated list of Duty Holders and the inclusion of the DE&S Duty Holder competence assessment. The leaflet supersedes SEP Leaflet 09/2015 v2.3

Release of SEB 003 version 2

SEP leaflet 11/2017 (Acquisition Safety Delegation in DE&S) has been removed and superseded with SEB 003 issue 2 - The Management of Formally-Delegated Safety and Environmental Responsibilities in DE&S. It has been updated to reflect the new ASP taxonomy and provide policy and guidance on how the new terms should be applied. 

Update of SEP Leaflet 09 2015

SEP leafelt 09/2015 (DE&S Contribution to Mitigating Risks to Life across MOD) has been updated to version 2.3. The changes are limited to an updated list of DE&S Duty Holders (to remove SDA from this list) and alignment with the ASP taxonomy. 

The leaflet can be found within GMP 00 and the update will be announced under a SEB in due course.


Update of POSMS SMPs

All SMPs have now been updated to version 4.0. These updates include re-formatting of the structure to a more consistent layout and removal of duplicated text. The POSMS summary has also been updated. These changes do not impact the content of POSMS, only the presentational structure - further information can be found in the updates section of each SMP. A SEB will be issued to formally announce the changes in due course.


The Introduction of the Sustainable Procurement Tool

As part of the recent development of ASEMS, QSEP has been investigating embedding Sustainable Procurement (SP) principles more effectively within DE&S procurement activities. This has resulted in the introduction of a new SP Toolkit for Delivery Teams together with supporting guidance. The tool kit is intended to provide a proportionate and relevant approach for Delivery Teams to manage SP during the acquisition lifecycle.  
